Sunday, February 28, 2010

TUNA CULTURE: Saving the last specie


The Tuna are now being dwindled everyday as plenty of fishing men around the Globe are catching them. The United Nation had seen that now. They proclaim the banning of catching them in the International Waters. They warned big companies especially operating in General Santos City and other nearby suburbs to stopped the fishing of Tuna fishes for two years and making the Specie as one of the endangered species.

We cannot anymore the delicious fish; the sashimi, the kinilaw, the fresh fish salad. In General Santos City, you can see the people packing the fishes for export. They export thousands of fishes monthly. The Japanese businessmen are trading daily thousands of yellow fin tuna fishes. The restaurant throughout the world are serving delicious delicacy using tuna. TUNA, TUNA, TUNA! Rich in mega3! Good for the Heart! That is advertisement everywhere. Later on, we cannot taste that anymore.

Thanks to the group who officially ban the fishing. That is a nice move. It should not stop there it should follow up to make them more visible again in all that who uses Tuna as their main ingredient for food.


I am now organizing a group who concentrates the propagation of this tuan species. Though it is difficult to have this specie for artificial culture. I have a positive thinking that the project will push through. I am researching with regards to that project. In my study the Japanese government are good enough to have the Tuna fishes culture and pour them in the sea of Tokyo tons to tuna fingerlings. In that way my project focuses. But I need millions of money for that to start.

It is because it is difficult to put it them into really because of the collosal need in terms of finances. In my thinking, 100 steps can be reached by starting it with one stride. So, that's what I do.

In that connection, I start to take my Artworks be sold to start. Perhaps that is a good start as of the moment. You can see me later in the Television Networks, announcing the auction of my artworks. Now, I am experiencing financial straits with my family. It is because my heart is not for my own benefit but for the benefit of everybody.

So, my kababayan, facebook friends, Tweeter friends. If you one cents or many dollars there come and give for that project. Donate your richness!

Money goes to

The money that is collected will be bought for one ship to catch tuna live. It has big aquarium
inside. We need fishpond to culture plankton to feed the cultured tuna. We need Fishpenn that is placed in Mati, Davao Oriental. We need to food for the Tuna eat everyday. Actually, I am now have two small pumpboats now operating. The Tuna Fingerlings are to be poured to the Pacific Ocean once on every two months.

This is a billion project. When do start! We have to start now and let our Sons and Daughters continue that. If no one helps me, it will okey. As long as there will be one person that starts and that is Me.

End of the World: Spiritual readiness

End of the World
There are many news and any form of expression with regards to the End of the World. Some said that the end of the World will take place on 2012. Some says at exactly December 21, 2021 the scary words will show off. Others, it will happen anytime of the year. Some are reluctant of the event. Ignoring, it is because they are afraid to tackle that thing. The idea just come to our way now just due to the Story of the film which has being shown lately: "The 2012." It might be a fairy tale. IT might true or not. Christian would face that scare in a positive manner. By praying to God the Almighty to take in-charge of everything. Just be passive of the facts. No matter what will happen to us God will take the rest.

Nobody knows. Nobody perceive when it will happen. Scientist throughout the world that day will come when the Niburu or the Planet X will hit again that had hit the world last 5,000 years ago. There were alien like head skeleton were present in the place of Sumerians where some remains where still there.

That still remains a fairy tale, a scientific thought. You can view that in the Youtube. If you try to see and imagine. It is like a real happenings. A film that is like a real occurrence. Nobody knows.
Only God knows. You should be vigilant, that is their advise.

A vivid explanation of the Expert in analyzing the prediction of Nostradamus. Even Nostradamus who had predicted some of the events that were true. But his prediction is not exact. We should be vigilant. In what way possible.

Spiritual Readiness

The End of the World will occur anytime. We should be prepared. Preparedness? In what way? There are many ways of preparing what will happen in the future. Some people in Europe prepare by creating bunker and collecting preserve food that will last for a long period of time. The United States of America is preparing a very big Space Shuttle that would be used for the evacuation of the selected people who are only very rich which can afford to buy a seat on the shuttle.

A single monk in China is meditating and waiting the things will happen. He just sit down at the middle of the floor of the Monastery and closing his eyes. Thinking of the beauty of the world by closing his eyes. Talking to God. He did this 4 times a day, one hour. Taking deep deep breathe.
That is way of praying. It might be relaxing after the days of doing so.

A diehard Roman Catholic, kneel down the kneeler bench and pray the rosary. Go to the Church every Sunday or daily. every 6:00 o'clock in the morning. That is her or his routinary living. He woke early and go the Church. He or she begins the day with a Eucharistic celebration or a Mass. I think he feels relax everyday. I don't know that. I wish I will do that. Hopefully.

A old Japanese took it by taking his life through Euthanasia. Killing himself. Harakiri. That the old thinking of Japanese. I don't know now if that has change along the way. But history states that it was possible. You can read some books regarding that matter. You try research on that and react on this statement later. Okey! so that there will be good discussion.

Real Preparedness

One advise might be this way. Everyday we should go to the Church if you are Roman Catholic. Attend mass everyday and take a communion and ask for forgiveness to God by the Sacrament of Penance:Confession. Cleansing of oneself to be prepare whatever will happen.
For the simple christians or protestants, you go church and pray directly to God and ask pardon for your sins directly to God. For the Muslims or Islams, pray 5 times a day and ask Allah for the blessings so that you will be saved. Your relatives will also be saved. Don't make suicidal attempt. That is the teaching of Koran.

Death of one person is like the end of the World. Some philosopher would say that only the person or man creates the world. In Epistemology, the man in his consciousness create or call the World. Without man there is no World. Man consciousness had created the world. If one dies the world also ends.

The preparation of your individual being to face the End of the World is by preparing your soul to accept God or Allah in your life. So you are not be scared if you do this daily until the End of Time. Whether it happen today, or tommorrow, or December 21, 2012. Or for my idea on 3075. We will be too old or we are already vanished during that time. That is the Real Preparedness. The soul or spirit should be ready.

The World is too hot hot: World Ends?

The world is becoming too hot nowadays. If you walk along the streets of Davao City, Philippines you can feel very hot compared to 1990's earths atmosphere was quite different. Many people had noticed that as they whispered huh! It is too hot! No one can hide that fact. Davao, though, experiencing El NiƱo last year of the Tiger also, 1998. The entire pr0vince of Davao City would experience rainfall. Some would say it is near Mt. Apo. The cumulus clouds will queue up and will become dark, the nimbus clouds. The rain falls.

The entire now is experiencing cracks due to heat. No more rain that falls. No more wet season now. The government specifically the department of Agriculture has planned to create cloud shedding around the area. But there are no cumulus clouds. So now, the climate cycle is not follow it scientific expression. It is due to the fact that the earth atmosphere is too hot it absorb plenty of water. The Sun cannot create evaporation process. NO more water that evaporates towards the upper part of the atmosphere that forms a clouds. The cumulus clouds are no longer visible.

The news about the possible Tzunami at the part of the Pacific ocean. It is a visible events of the earth that it is too hot. The volcano under the Pacific waters are active. The other day we experience earthquake less than intensity 4. The world feel deadly manifestation of the world is going to end. But I am still hopeful that the world would on 3075.

As I understood the predicted of Nostradamus, the world will end that year, not at 2012. We had seen in Youtube, some show their video blog. Newspaper and TV networks has said in unison that world would end on 2012. In apocalypse, in the Bible, predicting the end of the Earth will come is near if there will signs of calamities such as earthquake, Tsunami, floods and other forms of earth distraction. Nostradamus said in his book of Prediction that that calamities will be experienced by the earth because the Earth is very old. The Earth will disintegrate into small particle. Earth was coming from a small thing and it turns and created a Bull of Fire and when it become cold it was became big.

3075 was the prediction of Mr. Nostradamus as analyze by the advance scientist who had read his book. But the book emanates difficulty due to it only states his prediction in a poem.
So, it needs more expert of analyzing.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Idea Towards Climate Change

Climate change that is present around now in Print media, and Visual Media in the World. Most of the people as I heard are paying attention to planting of Trees. Trees as the source of oxygen one should plant to maintain the coolness of the Earth. Every day thousands of trees are planted. Though other people are cutting of trees now.

Look at pure Chinese individuals are cutting trees in the place of Mati, Davao Oriental. The exact place is at the top of place of Sopsopon, Macambol, Mati, Davao Oriental. They place their finish products in the 60 footer Van and travel them to Davao City and ship towards China, I think. These individuals do not know-how to speak Tagalog. It is only one, their leader can speak. They stopped operation last December just to go China to celebrate their New Year. As of now, there are now operating.

Perhaps, they have uproot everything just to remain the place bald. See, the government is declaring total Log Ban. Look at this people they move awkward. They do know they are doing or they doing just for money or sell the country. The Barangay, Mayor of Mati, and present governor perhaps are giving credit to this people. That is why they are operating also in that place. Perhaps it is because the place is too remote.

In addition, there is a Muslim individual who is also operating and cutting trees. They travel their finish lumber at night. People are just made alarm when the truck loaded of cut lumber had met an accident, the truck fell down at the hill. The truck was rescued immediately. They brought heavy equipment.

Now, you can see how Filipinos are doing themselves right now. You, people of the world...What you can say about this. What move are you doing? It is right just to stay-foot. No move has being done.

My mind has moved further. Water is another source of Oxygen. Perhaps, if I am not be mistaken the earth is 80% water. We are surrounded of water. We have to extract Oxygen from water through the process of Electrolysis. The oxygen can be extracted by connecting positive and negative from the Battery. The ions will extract hydrogen and oxygen in the water. Perhaps, the local government which is the barangay level can do this, so that all the barangay throughout the country can experience too much oxygen.

This is only my idea but we can try this. My mind triggers to think about this because we plant trees only. The trees grows for a long period of time. Big trees are being cut. So, while the rich are doing themselves richer through cutting and selling lumber in other country by using our trees. We, simultaneously, doing our part. While waiting for the trees to grow for decades. Let do this by extracting oxygen and free them in our atmosphere.

Shell collector are becoming few

By: Joey Teleron

Shell collector are becoming few due to the reason that the people are just come and go. The collectors are 40 years in their life collecting strange things. No new collector who are young. Actually, collecting shells are promising. This is not really business but it can change lives. Why? They will come a time that other people just mesmerize of your rare collection. Some might buy everything in bulk. It can reach millions. I have met a person in his 60 years of age collecting shells for almost 45 years. More than half of his age. In the process of attending Shell Shows there was a person who approach him and buy everything in 20 millions dollar.

That's it, it will just come to your life. Like collecting stamp, some might attracted of your collection and them in millions. This means that your happiness of collecting can help change your lives in an instant. Whoever knows. We don't have to expect. It is because in our life if you try to look for your instant miracle the more you will not obtain it. So, do not expect, just do what you want to do. Let your life create it growth if there one of it.

Young collector should start now so that they will reap harvest when they become old. If start collecting when you are old. There is no gradual enthusiast experience. That means the pain of collecting is so rewarding if it is done in many years. A expert pianist can be as good as Beethoven and Mozart. A expert artist can be as Van Gogh. A expert golfer like Tiger Woods is harvested through the years. Manny Pacquiao can be the 7 division if he will not undergo painstaking practice and fight. In other words, anything that is gradually achieve can reap a good harvest.

So start collecting now and your harvest will be great!