Monday, March 8, 2010

The Continuation of the Dragon Form



Grandmaster Yen pivoting his two feet 45% to the right, so that he has now turned to face the right. As he turns his left hand thrusts forward, thus forming a right Lopsided Dragon movement. (The black Dragon Wagging its tail is a movement formed by changing the left Lopsided Dragon to the right Lopsided Dragon, thus simulating the wagging of the tail from the left to the right.


Yuen raises his right hand from the back of his neck with stretching fingers, and moves it over his head and then down to his chest, to join his left hand, the fingers of which are also wide-stretched, thus simulating a movement of joined claws of the dragon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kung Fu: A Right Self Defense

KUNG FU: an art of self defense especially the Shaolin

As one of expert in line, being a 6-level Black Belt Sifu, I want to the world my knowledge in Shaolin which had studied over the years. You can see in the Internet especially in our blog domain and even in You.Tube the most shown art of self-defense are mostly Wushu, Karate originated in Japan, Parkour, etc. Only few lessons of Kung Fu.

Kung Fu is an art of self defense coming China. The Northern part and Southern part of China has originated different kinds of style. The Northern China is concentrating more on the fist and the other hand is the Southern China is concentrating solely on the feet style of defenses. They preserved this for many years.

The Shaolin Kung Fu is combining the two and made it one style. My Sifu had taught me for years since 1984 was a graduate of Shaolin Monastery in China and He migrated here in the Philippines. It so happenned that I had come to his way and taught me deligently. I graduated as number one best of his students. I graduated last 1987 and every year I went always to him and add more technigue in his time and space in Manila where he is now.

So, I decided to teach the world, through this Blog and series of pictures. Please follow everytime I post a new style so that it will be inculcated this to you and make this your own forever.

First Lesson: DRAGON FORM (taken from the book of Grand Master Yuen Yik Kai shown at the side of my own post)

The illustrations 1 - 5 (The Golden dragon offering its Claws.)

Grandmaster Yuen posing the character "Two", placing his palms back to back in front of his chest. He then turns his palms outwards while stretching his fingers to simulate the claws of the dragon.

The Illustrations 6 - 8 ( The Lopsided Dragon)

Grandmaster turns 45% to his left while pivoting on his feet. He then thrusts his right hand to the front while straightening the four fingers of both hands and bending both thumbs to simulate the tail of the dragon.

This is all for today I will post other forms as a continuation of the above unfoldings.